Based in Hartebeespoort

Lize Roodt

Looking for help with your business travel? Find out how I can help here

It's Nice To Meet You

The human race's need for exploring, experiencing, feeling and being somewhere new, will always drive us to travel. Travelling feeds my soul, whether it is in relation to my own travels or helping others explore a world beyond their own.

I am Lize Roodt and I love travel. Inspiring, planning and converting people’s travel dreams into reality is what I do. I have come to believe my love for travel started at a very young age, maybe even while I was still in my mother’s womb as she sat on the back of a bakkie driving on bumpy roads to Sodwana.

I have worked in the travel industry in some way or form since I left high school. I completed my BCom (Hons) in Tourism Management after taking a 2-year gap in Europe. I have worked in travel, in the tour operator, retail travel and corporate travel sectors. In 2015 I started my own business in partnership with Travel Counsellors and have not looked back.

I believe once you have travelled, it is a continuous life experience. From the moment you get that feeling to move your feet, all the way until you arrive home and you already start to plan the next trip. It is a circular travel experience journey.

As a travel enthusiast, I love this journey. I love to inspire and find out WHY my clients are travelling, if they do not have a destination in mind - I strive to find one that matches their needs. By discovering who they are and the reasons why they travel, helps me connect with their journey and ensure I find the best travel solution for them.

These journeys take time and attention to plan, so I work differently to your ‘traditional travel agent’, I am not just a booking agent. I consult, I care and create individual travel itineraries with my expertise I have earned through years of experience and using reliable resources and trustworthy travel suppliers and products. Travel Counsellors has made sure I have access to these suppliers’ tips through our innovative technology, everything at my fingertips.

Whether you are a first-time traveller or seasonal jet setter, there comes a certain peace of mind when you leave your travel plans to an expert. I am there for you, not just for the planning but every step of the way, before, during and after through this continuous journey. I am always only a phone call away.

Talk & Consult.
Trust & Care.
Travel & Create Memories.
Travel Counsellors.

Looking forward to creating your travel memories because with us, its personal!


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Whatever your holiday needs I'm here to help you, so simply give me a call or send me an email with your contact details on and I can get things started for you:

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My Blog

I absolutely live and breathe travel and I love to write about my experiences! Please take a look through my posts - you might find your own holiday inspiration.

Mindful Travelling

19 September 2023

Our world is filled with constant noise and chatter, we are always switched on. We are connected ALL.THE.TIME. If we do not take deliberate breaks from these daily stresses our bodies and minds struggle to cope which can bring about mental illness like anxiety and depression. Travel often becomes an attempt to break away from the daily stresses but while travelling the external noises can still be there. Travelling does come with its own challenges so the noise and stresses may just be in different forms. Travel experiences are things that you remember for a lifetime. Travel can change opinions and transform perceptions. Being mindful while travelling will go a long way to help you to do this better. "Mindfulness is paying attention to our present-moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is." – Diana Winston "Mindfulness means paying attention… on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally to the unfolding of experience." – Jon Kabat Zinn It is the capacity to not be lost in the past or future but to be present and less reactive. What does mean to travel mindfully? When I was young and foolish, I loved those tour itineraries that offered 10 countries in 21 days – ‘come on, let’s cram it all in!’ And I thought that this is how travel was done. I found myself over-thinking, ‘What are we going to do tomorrow?’ ‘Why didn’t we rather do that yesterday?’ ‘Do we have enough time to do everything?’ ‘Am I getting my money’s worth?’ so on and so on. I used to get stuck in the details and try to do too much in too little time and not ever taking everything in. I often felt overwhelmed on a trip and unfulfilled when a trip was over. But there is another way… there is a better way! Many people associate mediation with mindfulness, but it can be as simple as catching yourself when you are sitting at a café in a new city and instead of staring into your phone or being lost in your thoughts from asking yourself random silly questions – just redirect your focus to the here and now, take a proper look around and appreciate the moment. Being present and grateful every day has so many benefits to your general wellbeing and when you apply it while travelling, it will only illuminate your travel experiences even more! Let us snap out of autopilot and start opening our senses!

My Dad's Road Trip Tips

03 November 2020

One of the best ways to explore South Africa’s vast travel options is by hitting the road. Besides the actual beautiful destinations and stopovers – the road offers interesting quaint rural towns, vast open spaces from Kalahari Desert to lush green mountain passes and a sky full of stars. Some of my best travel memories involved a car, playlists and good company on the road. Road tripping in South Africa is just the ultimate way to go! I’ve lived in Joburg most of my life and growing up every odd December we would drive to visit my Ouma Nucie in Jeffreys Bay or Reebok with the extended family. My parents would pack my brother and I in the car while we were still sleeping before sunrise and we’d only wake up halfway to eat at the rest stop, and carry on napping until we got there, 14 hours later. One year my parents decided that we needed to experience the fact that there was an actual road between Joburg and Jeffreys Bay and we did a proper road trip like it should be done. When I was 14, we joined forces with the Benade family and took on Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe in one massive road trip which was one of the most amazing memories from my childhood. If you haven’t road tripped through Southern Africa, please make sure you do at least once in your life! If I start writing about the places you could see, we’ll be here forever – so rather give me a call and I’ll talk your ear off instead! Back to the reason for my post, the focus for today’s blog is to share the road trip tips from the man that took us on our first road trip and gave me my first car, my Dad, Danie Roodt. He is like a biological GPS, honestly, to this day it boggles my mind that he just always knew exactly where we were at any given time (before smart phones). He also happens to have worked in the transport industry his whole life, his most recent business venture (with my Brother) is Mammoth Tyres. So, I asked the man himself to give us some of his tips to making sure your road trip goes smoothly: My Dad’s Best Road Trip Tips: 1. Do a vehicle safety check on your vehicle before you leave – you don’t want to breakdown/get stuck with stuff that could be preventable. a. Check when next service is due. If it will go over the recommended service schedule on the planned trip - service, it. b. Check brakes. You will probably be loaded heavier than normal. c. Tyres - Check general condition of all tyres. (Smoothness, cracks, or visible damage to tyre) AND CHECK spare wheel condition!! Do you have the right tools to change a wheel? (jack and wheel spanner that fits on the nuts of your rims). A canister of tyre fix could also be useful. d. Expiry of Licence disk. You have 21 days after the month the license expiries to renew it. It must be displayed – always give traffic officials reason to pull you over. e. General state of health of your vehicle – some fitments centres does a free safety check. 2. Take rechargeable light/torch – for if you get stuck at night and in case of load shedding at stay overs. 3. Take a few basic tools – plyers, shifting spanner, star and flat screwdrivers and a utility knife like a Leatherman 4. Take duct tape and cable ties – it fixes everything. 5. Take a first aid kit. 6. Always have water in the vehicle. 7. Take wet wipes/tissues or a “jammer lappie” for the accidents/spillage in the car. And they will happen. 8. Pack sensibly – things like overnight bags must be easily accessible 9. GOOD MUSIC IS CRUCIAL – While traveling through certain areas you will have no or bad reception. Make sure you take a good selection of music. If you are more than two people, ask each passenger to make a playlist for the road. 10. Do not travel too far between destinations. Plan the trip with stops for fuel and comfort breaks. In remote areas both these could be an issue – so make sure you know what the fuel range of your vehicle is and fill up before – do not push it. 11. Do a bit of research on the attractions on the route you will be travelling – natural, manmade and what is special in that region and make time to visit them. 12. MOST IMPORTANT BE SAFE. ENJOY THE TRIP AND MAKE MEMORIES!!!! Before you go visit Mammoth Tyres for a safety check, tell them Danie Roodt sent you!

Ways the Pandemic has changed Travel

22 July 2020

Travel was the first hit by the COVID19 pandemic and will also be the industry that will see the lingering impacts for many years to come. One of the biggest impacts will be on HOW we travel. The travel experience is changing on all fronts, but it is tough to imagine how much change is happening without experiencing it first-hand. Countries are still navigating when and how to open their borders while airlines have had to make some big decisions over the traveller experience. We will not get into accommodation, tours, and other travel suppliers because then this will turn into a research article rather than a blog post. As more countries are opening and airlines re-instating routes (not for South Africa yet, sadly) - I started wondering which changes will stick around, and which changes will fade? When the time comes when we can head to the airports again (with our passports), what will we be faced with? I have picked some of the noteworthy points from the hundreds of emails and updates I have received over the past few months to share with you. I hope you find them interesting and useful. Clean, clean, clean There has been a strong response across the globe to address the hygiene and sanitation issues, also minimizing contact points, which is the understandably the main concerns. Many airlines have made promises of comprehensive hygiene procedures and regular training for staff on health and safety policies. Emirates and some other airlines are giving complimentary hygiene kits to passengers upon check-in Dubai which is a nice touch. There have also been some serious advancements using technology to assist with adapting to new standards. Hamad International Airport has introduced ‘Fully Autonomous Mobile Disinfection Robots’ (you can check the YouTube video in this link: ) Masks all the way Worldwide passengers will be expected to wear masks in the airport and on the aircraft, so make sure you invest in a comfortable and good quality mask for long journeys. Staff and crew will all wear personal protection equipment throughout the journey. Some images make you feel like you are stepping into a surgical room but safety first. Physical distancing No more farewell entourages and welcome home parties at the airport. Only the traveller who has a confirmed ticket will be allowed into the airport. Touchpoints are being redesigned around contactless options. Norwegian airports have launched a touchless travel technology, Avinor, that allows you to check-in, drop off bags, pass security and board the aircraft, all without interpersonal contact or the need to touch physical machines. It is quite impressive. Airlines will need to balance safety and profits. Social distancing seating probably will not last long as more people start travelling. The break-even load for most airlines is 75-80% so limiting the seats for spacing is not sustainable. COVID19 testing Testing will be here for a while but not necessarily forever. For the time being, if you are planning to travel it will be a good idea to have a COVID19 test done maximum 72 hours before you are due to fly. Some countries may also test you upon arrival at your own expense and if you are positive, they will put in mandatory quarantine (which is no fun for anyone). Temperature checks before, during and after the flight are becoming the norm. Health declarations could also become standard policy. Travel Bubbles Countries have started forming agreements to ‘green lane’ or created ‘travel bubbles’ with ally countries before they open to the world. Example: Singapore and Malaysia; Australia and New Zealand – have already allowed travel between the countries but not to/from other countries. Destination ‘Health Apps’ have also appeared which requires you to complete mandatory information before entering the country. (Belize Health app will produce a unique QR code to the traveller that will be used for contact tracing) Aircraft The age and model of aircraft have become an important issue. The age may determine whether they were equipped with the appropriate HEPA filters. Due to lack of demand right now airlines are using smaller aircraft and the bigger aircraft are being retired earlier than planned. The A380 may not make it back to the skies, which makes me sad. First and business class experiences may also be drastically reduced due to the smaller aircraft not having this offering. Air travel may become a necessity rather than an ‘experience’ unto itself, at least for a while. For me, any air travel is an experience because it forms part of the bigger travel experience – so regardless of what the onboard experience, I still cannot wait to get back in the sky The travel landscape will be forever impacted. Hopefully changes like the flexibility to change your ticket will stick around for the peace of mind of agents and passengers alike! Dream Now, Travel Later. Sources: Airline website/newsletters, Travel News publications, Travelinfo Plus.

Facing the unknown with confidence

11 May 2020

The great looming uncertainty of what the travel landscape is going to look like post-COVID19 brought forward an interesting challenge for me. Besides the obvious turmoil that is happening globally right now, I was stumped about how to approach my travel blog ideas without knowing where this is all going to end, and where and when will we be allowed or able to go. I have a dozen unfinished blogs and find myself wondering where the time has gone. All these travel ideas, experiences and inspirations waiting to be shared with the world, found themselves stuck as my fingertips just hover over the keyboard while I ponder this moral dilemma. I will be the first to admit I tend to overthink sometimes, so I decided to take a step back and reminisce about my journey into and through the travel industry so far. It all started when I was 5 years old. Lol. Don’t worry this is not my life story but every story needs to start somewhere... I was lucky enough to travel at this young age because my Dad received an opportunity to work in the UK. There we were, a young Afrikaans family in the land of the Brits, during a very important time in our own country’s history (1990). My brother (3years old) and I could not speak a word of English. Just imagine the uncertainty my parents faced being a new country and a whole lot of politics happening at home. They were certainly braver than most for embarking on this venture with 2 small children. I believe this is where my own resilience and curiosity for the unknown are rooted. My connection to travel was born or rather inherited. If we jump forward to a time in my life that I had to start making some serious decisions, like career choices and what/if I wanted to study after school. I found myself back in the UK in 2004 but this time on my own. My Mom reminded me that I was really struggling with my decision on what to study, where to study, if to study and decided to take that gap year to get clarity. BCom Marketing was all the rage back then, but it didn’t feel right for me and I didn’t want to waste my parents hard earned money on something I wasn’t sure about. So off I went on a ‘working holiday’ to the UK and Europe with strict conditions to return from the parentals. And this was my next defining moment – my first solo travel experience. I still remember it was a Nationwide flight into Gatwick Airport. I think my parents were still being braver than I, because honestly what did I know of the world at 18, and they watched me walk towards the unknown, the uncertainty, with everything I could carry on my back (literally, I over packed so badly!) One year turned into two and I was lucky to work in places like the Channel Islands, Scotland, and London (stories for another day). For the ‘holiday’ part of my experience I managed to travel a good deal of Europe on a Contiki Tour and kissed the Blarney Stone in Ireland! And my love for travel was solidified. I eventually honored the agreement made with my parents and came home to study – my choice was BCom Tourism Management – so basically marketing but with travel! I went on to complete my post grad in Destination Marketing and dived straight into working at a travel media company. I worked my way from travel media to tour operator to retail travel and business travel management. Everything I did, I did with travel in mind and has led me to where I am now. My most recent leap into uncertainty was around my 30th Birthday. I resigned from my job and embarked on the epic journey of starting my own travel business in partnership with Travel Counsellors. And it has been an amazing journey … a journey that is far from over. The travel industry is facing a very difficult period right now and it might take a long time to recover to its full potential. We are faced with uncertainty, no doubt, but nothing in life is certain anyway, right?! *I believe I am exactly where I am supposed to be.* I will keep on helping people to travel the world even if the travel doesn’t mean right now! And what exactly travel will look like in the future, I do not know, but I am certain (damn sure) that I am going to stick around to find out. Humankind has been travelling since the beginning of time, it is in our DNA to explore, so I highly doubt we are going to stop now. The need and amazement of exploring, experiencing, feeling and being there will always drive humans to travel. We are being pushed to find better ways of doing things which is a super exciting prospect. I hope this short snapshot into my travel life journey will create some excitement instead of fear around your own dreams of travelling. And YOUR dreams of travel will keep me going and keep me writing. I'm here if you have any questions, queries or just want to chat about your next trip without knowing when exactly it will be. We always have our own beautiful country to start with! Keep dreaming of travel until we are free to roam the planet again! xx

The Journey from Ndola to Aberdeen (COVID19)

25 May 2020

Never has it taken 5 days to get to Scotland from Africa, at least not by air and not in the 35 years I have been alive. This is my COVID19 story: How I helped a client travel from Ndola, Zambia to Aberdeen, Scotland during the most uncertain and unpredictable time in travel history. Airlines were cancelling flights left, right and centre without warning. Countries were closing their borders behind my client and her daughter as they left one country and arrived in the next. I was booking, rebooking, reissuing tickets so many times I lost count. It all started with their online booking that was cancelled by the airline and they had no one to call. The ‘online booking site’ contacts were unreachable. That is when I got the call from the sister, my existing client “My sister is trying to get to Scotland for a fresh start at a new life for herself and her daughter.” I felt their disappointment from the flight cancellation but also their determination through the WhatsApp messages and voice notes. Your mission, Lize Roodt, if you choose to accept it, is to navigate the crazy travel circumstances and get them to that new life… I accepted. The first option would have been to travel via Johannesburg since many airlines were still travelling to and from Johannesburg at the time. The problem arose that they were mother and daughter travelling alone, and time was against us. The South African regulations concerning “Travelling with a Minor” would require they have all the necessary paperwork from the father authorizing the travel and there was just not enough time. So, I relook at flight options. I booked a flight from Ndola to Lusaka for the Sunday to get to an international airport. From there I found a flight to London on Kenya Airways via Nairobi and then on a local flight on British Airways from London to Aberdeen. This seemed fair, although it felt like a lot of travelling, it would get them to where they need to be without too much administrative issues. Oh, if we only knew then.... They arrived in Lusaka with all their luggage and ready for the international journey to begin. I checked them in on the Kenya Airways flight for departure at 2am (Monday morning). And then they waited to board, and they waited and waited. Only at 2am were they notified that the flight has been cancelled. They were all re-accommodated on the 9am flight which meant they will miss their connection to London and all the subsequent flights. “OK no problem, we can handle this.” They stayed at a hotel for couple hours and headed back to airport later that same morning. I sent her the flight numbers for the options I found in my system to ensure that when it comes her turn at the Kenya Airlines airport desk, she knows what to ask for. I listed options in order from best case to worst choice – the latter was to fly to Paris, so they are at least in Europe. Turns out the London flight from Nairobi was also cancelled (not that they were going to make it anyway) and they were left with no option but to fly to Paris. I managed to hold some seats in my system but could not reissue them as it was too close to departure time. After speaking to a nice gent at the Kenya Airways desk, we waited patiently for 30minutes for the reservation manager - me eyeing the time because the flight was due to board in about an hour and we have yet to confirm their tickets. Between the reservation manager and I, we secured the tickets on the back of the seats I held for them. While they are boarding, I booked the flight from Paris to London and moved the flight from London to Aberdeen onwards to connect. Obligatory selfie on the plane was sent and I knew they were on their way to Nairobi from Lusaka. What happened next was just beyond mad… not a single flight we had booked went according to plan. I have tried to write to the best of my memory the events that followed. They arrive in Nairobi to find the flight to Paris was delayed by 11hours, so they stayed overnight in Nairobi. Now they will only arrive in Paris on Tuesday night due to the delay. I knew that they would need to stay the night again so while they were flying, I booked them into a hotel at Charles De Gaulle airport. I rebooked and reissued all the onwards flights again (Paris - London – Aberdeen). Airlines were cancelling and consolidating their schedules leaving us little options for good connections. In the effort to try save money, the option that allowed free changes meant I could only book for the following evening (Wednesday) to London and only THURSDAY evening from London to Aberdeen. So I did. Not long after I had done all this, you guessed it, another flight cancelled. Thursday evening’s flight to Aberdeen. This was, however, finally in our favour as I could rebook them onto the earlier flight with no additional costs which had previously been the costly option. They boarded the flight from Paris to London, and they sent me the photo of an empty plane. It looked so creepy but all I cared about was that they are on that plane and it was flying. They arrived in London; somewhere in-between I manage to book them a hotel close to Heathrow Terminal 5 for easy access and hopefully a good night’s rest. One more flight to go! It was the morning of the last flight, my client messaged me to inform me the flights to Aberdeen had been cancelled. My heart sank to my stomach, I could not believe that this was happening AGAIN! I logged in, I started checking all the systems and flight statuses as well as British Airways website. Something was not right because everywhere it looked fine to me. I checked the client’s message again and I realised she accidently looked at the wrong date and their flight was NOT cancelled and they had 30 minutes to get to the airport for check in… my exact message was “RUN RUN RUN!!” Exhausted but not beaten, they made it to the final flight! It was a rollercoaster for everyone with little sleep all round, but the final embarkation in this mad 5-day journey to get to bonnie Scotland was a liberation. They boarded and I had the biggest sigh of relief and felt my breathing return to normal for the first time in 5 days. I have never been tested like this before; major flight delays, at least 3 last minute flight cancellations, system issues, miscommunication and working with little sleep while trying to stay in touch with my client throughout the journey. 5 days from Zambia to Scotland, who would have thought?

Roadtrippin’ around the Eastern Cape

14 April 2020

The Eastern Cape calls to the adventurous souls with an overwhelming choice in daring activities and undiscovered corners waiting to be found. Somewhat underestimated next to its neighbour the popular Western Cape, the Eastern Cape proudly holds claim to 500km pristine coastline, stunning beaches and dunes. And who doesn’t want to visit a place that offers more sunshine per year than anywhere else in South Africa, hence proudly earning its name “Sunshine Coast”. This province of glorious contrasts also draws you inland and takes you on a journey of surprises in beautiful valleys and spectacular mountain tops. You can get lost in the forests of trees, swept away by rivers and stranded in Karoo dessert. Eastern Cape boasts 5 ecosystems between Storms River and East London… yes I said 5 different ecosystems. Are you asking yourself, why have I not visited this marvelous place yet? I am asking myself why I haven’t gone back yet? It is one of the best places to road trip, witnessing the change of scenery through your car window. General Travel Tips for the road: • Being on the long road can be a bit mucky (stock up on hand wipes and hand sanitizer) • Have lots of water in the car and snacks • Use day backpacks – it’s easier to carry around especially if you have an unplanned stop along the road – like a walk up to a waterfall or short hikes to look out points (there’s a few) • Have your car serviced and insure that your car insurance is still in place – it could be very useful especially if you need assistance on the road. Here are some highlights the Eastern Cape offers that won’t cost you a cent but they will most certainly won’t be the only things to do! Free things to do in the Eastern Cape: Send a letter from South Africa’s oldest letterbox. Stare at a steeple in Grahamstown. Take in the view from on Gunfire Hill. Get lost in a maze in Hogsback. Check out cars of old at the St Croix Motor Museum. Appreciate art at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum. Spend the day at Van Staden’s Wild Flower Reserve. Surf Jeffrey’s Bay. Get an introduction to scuba diving. Visit a lighthouse in Port St Johns. Go shell spotting at Hazel Jeffries Shell Museum. Watch out for whales in St Francis Bay.

My Bucket List 2020

05 January 2020

It is the year 2020, how lucky are you to be alive at this very moment in this wonderful world! A world full of amazing destinations, too many to list, too many to fathom but most of us have short listed the vast options of places that we want to visit in our lifetime – our Bucket List. Although they may change every now and again and some repeat, the idea is to actively make plans to tick these special places off the list and live a life full of amazing experiences and discoveries from all corners of the earth! What is on your bucket list? See my every changing list as its stands for 2020 below: 1. Peru: It has been my dream to trek the Inca Trail in Andes Mountains to view the Machu Pichu in Peru since high school. I read a book called “There’s more to life than surface” it was an autobiography and the author describes her journey to this mystical place as a big milestone in her spiritual life and it all sounded extraordinary and magical. Besides from the Incan citadel itself which holds so many secrets, there is so much to explore in the surrounds. From the beautifully accessorized llamas and alpacas, to the gastronomy experiences in Lima, Lake Titicaca, believed to be the birthplace of the sun where you can spend a night on a floating island or flying over the Nazca Lines! 2. Reunion Island: This hidden gem was introduced to me a few years ago through some of our industry training when they announced the South African’s no longer need Schengen Visa to visit, because, you may not know, it is a French Territory. The island is home to 2 volcanoes, one dormant and one ‘friendly’ active volcano, which is fascinating! While everyone runs from most erupting volcanoes, on Reunion Island you can take helicopter over the brewing lava! The island boosts one of the worlds 30 biodiversity hotspots and The Reunion National Park accounts for 40% of the island’s surface area. With so much nature the adventures are endless from hiking, scuba-diving, kite surfing and beautiful scenery! 3. Sri Lanka: sneaky little place this, you start looking into it and then discover there is so much more than you ever thought! Its relatively new to the tourism shores but it has not been shy to show off, they received Best in Travel award by Lonely Planet 2019! Sri Lanka’s diverse experiences start with beautiful beaches (including black sand beaches), they have ruins, they have loads of elephants (my favourite animal), good flavourful food and … TEA! Those who know me, know I like my tea. This island also boosts 8 Unesco World Heritage Sites. 4. Japan: There was one thing about the Rugby World Cup this year that just repeatedly got my attention and that was the Japanese people. Watching them sing our National Anthem, Nkosi Sikelela, just made me feel all fuzzy inside. I have put together packages for Japan before, but I feel like I’m looking at the country from a whole new perspective after the RWC (it has nothing to do with us winning it). The country offers such contrasting experiences with Old Culture versus New World Tech. There is just something about visiting a country that differs so vastly from your own, trying to navigate complex Japanese manners and dining etiquette. Best way to step out of your comfort is to travel to country that does not speak your language. 5. Iceland: I travelled to Iceland in 2017, so why have I included it on my list again? Because Iceland is spectacularly distinctive during their 2 seasons, winter and summer. I had made my visit in summer month of August. An amazing experience with beautiful waterfalls, expanding and everchanging landscapes. I would however love to experience this country in winter months when the snow falls thick and heavy. I want to climb in the glaciers and experience those same waterfalls FROZEN solid. You could also have a chance to see the Northern Lights, although if this is the sole purpose of your journey, I would recommend travelling further north into the Arctic circle to increases your chances. Reykjavik offers visuals of quirky street art and lively bars to keep you going to early hours.

Fish River Canyon Hike aint for sissies!

23 August 2019

Looking down into the canyon after our transfer dropped us at the hike’s starting point was daunting enough, so the thought that I had to hike through this monster for the next 5 days had me seriously doubting my own sanity! We had been waiting a year for this and so much goes into the preparation; the backpack, the gear, the food packs, first aid kits, satellite phones, water bladders, tent or no tent? I was literally weighing my water bottles to make sure that I took as little weight as possible. 2 sets of clothes, hat, sunscreen, something to make food with and a whole of will power (something they leave off most lists). One thing I would recommend that I didn’t do; take more drugs! I’m not big fan of popping pills, so I thought I’d get by with my antihistamine, 3 GenPain (yes, I only packed 3 pills) and a tube of “Deep Heat”. If it wasn’t for my drug dealing hiker pals, I might not have made it. The drugs I refer to are things like slow-mag, cramp-ease and your trusted anti-inflammatory pain killers for when those legs say NO! As the date approached the messages started becoming more frequent from your fellow hikers "have you packed this or that?" The guides of what to pack, what not to pack were flying around from all different sources. Oh and the training? Do it. And don’t only focus on walking/hiking, unless you live in Cape Town where you can hike Table Mountain every weekend. If you are stuck in Gauteng with little time to get out to the better hiking spots, just do more squats (with your backpack) - I should have done more squats! And the day arrives, after lengthy drive starting at 3 am, we crossed the border in the desert that is Namibia ... feeling the excitement and nerves as they stamp your passport. We arrived at Ais Ais Spring Resort for check-in, dinner and anxiously waiting for that early start the next day, so we all had to go to bed early. Most people warn you about Day 1: The Descent, "after you get down in the canyon its smooth sailing" they said. They were lying. The Descent was grueling, yes, but Day 2 came around and I soon realized I had to summon some of that will power and just focus on keeping my legs moving, one step at a time for the next 4 days. Everyday. Day 3 almost broke me. They weren't ready, my legs, not nearly ready for the sand (that soft sand), nor were they ready for the back-breaking boulders (I shudder thinking about those boulders). Sand. Boulders. Sand. Boulders. This ain't for sissies! We may have taken some shortcuts but that didn’t mean things were made easier, shortcuts meant climbing the canyon walls like mountain goats! I just had to remind myself to turn around at the top and to admire the views which were spectacular! Early mornings and early bedtimes. We wanted to cover as much ground before the heat of the day. And the days were hot but Day 4, Day 4 was hot. Water was my biggest concern from the very beginning, there was water even in the drought, but not much and it wasn’t clean, so we were grateful for the purification drops. The German Soldiers Grave rest stop offered us fresh, cold, clean water which was supplied by the park and it felt like we had won the lotto! Dankeschön! Each day ended with setting up camp including the tent, we collect and filter water, we cook dinner, we eat, rub arnica on our aching muscles, check blisters, drink Amarula cappuccinos, go to bed (try sleep). The evenings turned chilly when the sun disappeared and by this time the moon was already high. It lit up the canyon walls and surrounding landscapes like a giant bedside lamp to the world. Come 4 am when the moon set, the sky came alive! My roomie/tent buddy, who also happened to be my first year roomie at University, Jess, was up at 5am, putting the kettle on and we started our mornings spotting shooting stars and passing satellites in the darkness of the canyon. The front runners of our 15-person pack would push us every day to cover the recommended kilometers. I won’t mention the words I would utter at them under my breath each day, but each day we reached designated ‘campsites’ with water and we covered the necessary distance thanks to their determination and navigation skills. My legs and heart were very grateful to them when on the final Day 5 we only had 13 kms to walk and they were at the finish line, ready with cold beers and we arrived just in time for lunch! “I made it!” - This repeated several times in my head not sure if the words made it to my tongue – “I hiked the Fish River Canyon." All the aches, pain and blisters seem to fade into celebrations and joy. The sense of achievement is almost overwhelming. We stayed at Ai Ais Springs Resort and Spa for pre and post - hike accommodation, the service left much to be desired at the time, but we won’t get into that as they have promised things will improve. But, oh, the hot spring pools were incredible after hiking for 5 days. We had a great group and we spent the remainder of the last day discussing the incredible experience and challenge we all just accomplished… or should I say SURVIVED! If you would like more information on how to get to the Fish River Canyon, whether you want to hike it or just admire it from the viewpoint (the saner option). I can tell you what to expect, what to pack (lil tot of alcohol for each night), what not to pack (chocolate, it melts). For all the ins, outs and tidbits, just give me call and I’ll gladly help you get there! LIZE ROODT TRAVEL COUNSELLOR 0767035070

Signed, sealed and delivered: A recommendation letter from an amazing client

24 May 2020

I recovered this beautiful letter from one of my most beautiful clients whilst doing some spring cleaning and I couldn't help but share! The following year in 2017, she booked her 40th Birthday trip to Mexico where this photo of her was taken! Dear Lize, I just wanted to take this opportunity to write and thank you for the great service I received from you during my dad's visit to South Africa. Most of his trip had been booked and planned from overseas, but you did help me to make a small booking for a 1-night stay at Sun City for my dad and his girlfriend. As you know, unfortunately while on his holiday to South Africa, tragedy struck back home in Israel and my dad and his girlfriend had to urgently fly back home early. You were very helpful in informing Sun City of the situation and even managed to arrange to get the voucher transferred into my name so that I could use it later in the year (which I duly did and had a WONDERFUL time!) BUT what REALLY impressed me was that you immediately took it upon yourself to help us to make arrangements to change the international flights back to Israel – even though you were never involved in making those bookings. Of course, this all happened on a Sunday afternoon and not once did you make me feel like I was intruding on your weekend. Not to mention the fact that the airline was almost impossible to reach on a Sunday but somehow you managed to help us contact the right people to get things done! Your incredibly efficient response and service and your sincere concern about the circumstances make a very difficult situation much easier to handle and I will forever be grateful to you for that. And all of this was done for a booking you didn’t even make to begin with! There is absolutely no question in my mind that when I need to book my next overseas trip that I will be using you! As a result, I have, and will continue to tell everyone that I meet I know the best travel agent in town. So- if you ever need me as a reference, please do not hesitate to give out my contact details. Kindest regards, Shelley Afargan (Dundee)

My customer stories

Sent by Lize Roodt

Lize is amazing and so friendly and organised.

Sent by Lize Roodt

Lize is committed to rendering a personal and professional service - and it reflects in her results. An absolute pleasure dealing with her! Highly recommended! Kind regard Sylvester

Sent by Natalie D,Amico

Lize was efficient, thorough, thoughtful and helped me turn what was a stressful / unstructured trip into a well-thought out and smooth booking - helping me feel at ease. She is also super responsive and keeps you updated as you go.

Sent by Candace Myers

Always excellent services and best prices. We have been using Lize's expertise for about ten years now, and we recommend her highly. Lize is exceptional at what she does.

Sent by Richard Mulholland

Lize ensured that she understood our requirements and advised on the best matches for our family. Advice around travel options, accommodation preferences and resorts was provided to ensure the best match. Lize also ensured she kept me abreat of developments and gave me regular reminders to ensure I got the best deal possible.

Sent by Dwarakanath Narasimha

Lize has designed just the kind of tour that we wanted. She's been extremely helpful and couldn't have been more responsive.

Sent by Annettee Lubbe

I love dealing with you because I know all is secure and have never had any bad experiences with any flights and bookings.And very friendly at all times means a lot to me . x

Sent by Diane Chidrawi

The choice of BnB was great. The speedy deliver of the booking and payment was smooth and the service was top notch.

Sent by Patricia Baisley

Warm, friendly, accommodating and one of the most patient people I have had the pleasure of dealing with. Thank you for all you have done for us.

Sent by Candace Myers

Thanks for your efforts Lize! You're a star as always.

Sent by Beth Fraser

Always a pleasure doing business with you as you always go the extra mile which I appreciate. Thank you, Beth

Sent by Jo Pieters

Lize is as always absolutely efficient and attentive. Always a complete pleasure to deal with!!!

Sent by Annette Lubbe

I love that you are so organized and always willing to help in every situation. We love dealing with you xxx

Sent by Marisa Strobos

Lize is a very professional and efficient Travel consultant, advisor. Really a pleasure to deal with

Sent by Candace Myers

Lize continues to impress us with her knowledge, competence, accuracy and patience. Lize always goes out of her way to explore all the options for us. As she has been our travel agent for many years, she has deep understanding of our personal preferences and needs, and we are always delighted at her selection of hotels and tours for us.

Sent by Leighre White

She just gets it.

Sent by Elizabeth Fraser

Lize is very helpful and I have been doing all my bookings through her for the last three years!

Sent by Johanna Potgieter

She is awesome, she is so friendly it was an awesome smooth trip, I would definitely recommend her she goes out of her way for her clients

Sent by Mzwakhe Mntambo

Lize was recommended to me by a friend. Everything that I was expecting worked out perfectly and easily. I would definitely recommend Lize and Travel Counsellors to anyone that asks. I'm looking forward to the trip that Lize helped coordinate and many future trips ahead.

Sent by Sharon Barnard

Lize was super friendly and efficient. She helped me at the last minute without hesitation. I phoned her again for advice for a friend, and she gladly assisted me. I would definitely recommend her and will continue using her.

Sent by Tebogo Chikoto

Lize has been great in assisting us with our travel arrangements. She always provides feedback. She finds alternatives and always goes the extra mile to give us the best options.

Sent by Brandon Clifford

Lize was very efficient, she understood the brief and helped us hugely in all regards.

Sent by Tori-Anne Smith

Great service from Lize. She was prompt and makes you feel at ease. One can ask a question at any time and she is most helpful.

Sent by Brenda Dornbrack

Lize thank you so much for all your help, efficiency and professional service. Regards Brenda

Sent by Sandra Briar

Professional, efficient and lovely to deal with.

Sent by Matthiam Keyser

Personal service with a special touch of honest care and excitement - I will most definitely recommend Lize in all my personal and professional circles.

Sent by Rayno Kroeger

Lize is a fantastic travel agent and what I like most is she forms a great relationship with you. It's not just about business for her but more about her customer relationships.

Sent by Merle OBrien

Lize is amazing and makes travelling such a pleasure. Thank you Lize for all your help.

Sent by David Sherwood

Only ever experienced outstanding service

Sent by Nikita Riley-Lubbe

Best travel agent, we will never use anyone else!

Sent by Candace Myers

Time after time, Lize goes out of her way to ensure that all our needs are met. Excellent service at all times.

Sent by Janett Zaayman

Thank you so much Lize for the great service, help and support. Thank you for helping to reunite me with my daughter in Finland.

Sent by Ilse Grobler

It is always such a pleasure to contact Lize for our travelling arrangements and bookings. She goes out of her way to assist us. She always adds a personal touch, even at short notice and under challenging circumstances. She keeps us informed on changes and trends. We can rely on her to give us professional advice. Her accurate paperwork makes payments and document filing so easy.

Sent by George Coetzee

This is the second time that Lize assisted me with travel arrangements and she is doing an amazing job as always. I will definitely only use Lize Roodt from Travel Counsellors for future trips.

Sent by Helena Nel

We booked a family holiday together with friends to France through Lize for March 2020..... Then lockdown happened and we could not take our planned trip. Lize made all the arrangements for our trip to be postponed to September 2020 and again we could not travel. Once again she took all the administration upon herself and helped us cancel our trip. I was not very optimistic that we would be able to recover any of our expenses, but I am so thankful and happy to report that Lize was able to secure reimbursement to us for the total amount of our whole trip. We got every cent back, from the airlines, the accommodation and all land travel bookings. She is a star! Her attention to detail and ability to be calm and practical served us well during this uncertain time. I will recommend Lize to all of my friends and colleagues. She gives excellent service and I am most certainly booking our future trips through her. THANK YOU once again Lize.

Sent by Marinda Botha

We are more than impressed with Lize's service! She not only put together an amazing travel package where she got us the best deals, discounts and extras, she also went out of her way to assist us when the travel restrictions was implemented. She provided alternatives and support and went the extra mile for us. Thank you Lize!

Sent by Mart-Helet Britz

I cannot begin to describe what a pleasant experience it was to work with Lize. From the start it was clear that she was extremely professional, passionate, efficient and committed. She made sure that she understood our individual needs & preferences. Planning a family trip abroad requires a lot of research and collecting background information; she provided advice, guidance, feedback and made suggestions to ensure we could focus on the excitement rather then the admin. Lize added an extra personal touch by providing us with neatly printed out travel packs together with a gift for each family member. Nothing was too much effort for her - her prompt response to every additional query / request is much appreciated. This ensured we were kept in the loop at all times. Even though our trip did not materialize as we had planned, she continued to be her warm and lovely self. I look forward to planning future trips with Lize; it was an absolute pleasure. Lize, thank you for everything you did for us; you are wonderful. Love Britz Family

Sent by Peter & Candace Myers

My wife, Candace and I have been using the travel services of Lize Roodt for many years. Over the years we have booked numerous overseas holidays and business trips through Lize, which have usually included flights, accommodation and local tours. Destinations have included various countries and cities in Europe and the Far East. Lize has always performed professionally and when we have sought advice has been readily forthcoming with what have always turned out to be great recommendations in terms of value for money. Lize has always gone the extra mile and has always ensured that we have seat reservations before we arrive for each flight – no matter where in the world we happen to be. She has even on a few occasions met with us at OR Tambo to personally hand us documents and make sure that all of our travel plans are in hand. We were recently on a trip to Europe when the Coronavirus pandemic started to take hold. We found ourselves in Vienna and desperate to get back home with the airline proving to be very difficult about rescheduling flights and wanting to charge exorbitant cancellation and rebooking fees. Despite the obvious chaos, one call to Lize sorted our issue. Lize managed after much effort and negotiation with the airline, to get us back on an earlier flight to South Africa – indeed one leaving that same night – at no extra charge. We would have no hesitation in highly recommending Lize for all your business and holiday travel arrangements and we ourselves have every intention of using Lize for all our travel requirements for many years to come.

Sent by Merle O'Brien

Lize always has your best interests at heart, its not all about just booking a holiday or flight. Lize is the best.

Sent by Ann Kloppers

Awesome service Lize! You even worked tirelessly going away on your vacation. Now that is service and dedication for you! Really appreciate the effort. Thanks- Ann

Sent by Sone Myburgh

She is amazing! I will recommend her to everyone that I know. She is professional and a real go getter!

Sent by Aqeela Shaik

Lize has been an absolute pleasure to deal with this past few months her patience, understanding and assistance is impeccable. I would recommend Lize from Travel Counsellors to anyone and everyone as it is such a convenient and handy company.

Sent by Nikki Manser

Lize was amazing! She answered all my questions and put up with all my changes. She got back to us really fast and helped us make the best choice for the flights.

Sent by Michele Galvin

Simply a wonderful person. Lize went above and beyond to arrange all my wants and needs, including the extra after service information that I needed. Thank you Lize!

Sent by Yves-Marie Leblond

Lize, You did a great job in both booking us and with all your follow ups. Thank you so much, we very much enjoyed our time in the Pilanesberg.

Sent by David Duncan

She treats you like a person, not a credit card.

Sent by Altus Ayres

Lize went to a lot of trouble to accommodate us and our plans changing often. Awesome service!

Sent by Frances Marshall

Always helpful and nice knowing Lize has everything in control!! Love the app as well.

Sent by Merle O'Brien

Always great to deal with people who work well and get on top of things fast.

Sent by Rudy Cupido

You have been amazing and we thank you for holding our hands every step of this journey. (Destination Wedding in Mauritius)

Sent by Sian Cannell

I got in touch with Lize Roodt through a Facebook recommendation and after her initial help and quotes, I had to delay our trip as the dates were not working out. Months later I got back in touch and Lize assisted me timeously, with the same energy and excitement as she had previously. She was patient with all my questions and very deliberate in terms of finding our family a holiday that met our needs in terms of what we were looking for. Not only did she get everything spot on, she went the extra mile on numerous occasions showing how much she truly cares about her clients and what she does. Lize - thank you again for assisting us in creating some amazing memories in Mauritius - we have beautiful pictures and everything about our holiday measured up to what we had been dreaming of thanks to you! I would not hesitate to recommend Lize to anyone looking for a customized, personal and caring service! I will definitely be back asking more questions and picking your brain for our next arranged trip.

Sent by Stephen Abbott

Just fantastic service from start to finish. The knowledge that Lize has and advice is 2nd to none. You feel that there is never any pressure, and all options are availablefrom 2 star hotels to 5 star for example. The way she can cater for your every need, and the way she goes the extra mile to make even a short or long stay holiday to be the best experience that one can have. Memories that will last a lifetime. Thanks again Lize for everything!

Sent by Rosa Mclaren

Excellent service and a great understanding of what the customer requires. Pleasantly surprised and delighted.

Sent by Liandri Briel

She is very friendly and helpful. She gave us the best service possible. It was awesome dealing with her.

Sent by Sharon van Rooyen

Thank you Lize for preparing us properly for this trip, thank you for always being willing to answer questions and making this the best experience ever. Can’t wait for the next trip. Thank you Sharon and Freek.

Sent by Charl and Gale Welman

We spent 18 days in Southern France which included a seven day boat cruise on the Canal Du Midi. Lize handled all our bookings, from flights to accommodation and the boat cruise with three other couples (friends). She did this in a professional yet personal manner. We were always well informed of developments and we relied heavily on her research and suggestions which turned out to be more than satisfactory. When we missed our return flight Lize went out of her way (on a Saturday evening) to assist us in booking new flights and finding accommodation for us for the night. We would highly recommend Lize's services for travel arrangements.

Sent by Danie Roodt

We booked a holiday through Lize that took us to the south of France on a 7 night self drive boating experience from Trebes to Nabonne on the Canal Du Midi. The original idea was ours but the actual plan of where, how, and what was all Lize's doing. It started with the selection of the route on Canal du Midi and the booking with Le Boat and then the flights, transfers and accommodation before and after the trip. Every aspect of our trip was covered and it made it so comforting. The TC app worked like a charm and we were never unsure of what was happening and what to do and expect. At the check-in at Le Boat in Trebes we were pleasantly surprised when we arrive and found the boat ready and waiting two hours before we expected this - to find out later that Lize arranged this specially for us. The boat, bikes and provisions were all ready!! The trip was absolutely AWESOME!! We enjoyed every second and it exceeded our expectations. The only and it is nearly irrelevant is that Alitali's service quality seems to be below other national carriers Overall: Awesome Service by Lize and the result an unforgettable holiday.

Sent by Sian Cannell

Lize was wonderful! She put up with one million questions and check ins from me throughout the booking process. I really appreciated working with her to put our perfect travel package together. Now we are looking forward to the holiday in October and I cannot wait! I have saved Lize's details and will definitely be asking her to assist when planning my next holiday away for our family. :) Thank you Lize xxx

Sent by Estelle Brummer

Lize is an asset to her company and she is very professional, effective and efficient and is always going the extra mile. She has made all my travel experiences something quite out of the ordinary as well as an unbelievable memory that was created. Thank you very much. I will never use somebody else for future travels.

Sent by Andries Maree

Quick and excellent service...everytime!

Sent by Candace Myers

Lize Roodt is brilliant. Excellent super quick service. Always a pleasure working with her,

Sent by Shelley Afargan

Every one that I recommend Lize to thinks she is amazing! She offers incredible service and always makes me look good!

Sent by Keshav Sewraj

I returned back to Cape Town after my trip to Verona 2 weeks ago. I would like to thank you for all the application processes regarding the travel. The trip went very well and smoothly as expected. Thank you. Regards, Keshav Sewraj

Sent by Toni Van Rooyen

WOW! What an amazing experience. You made it super special and so organised! I did not have to worry about a thing, right from my pick up at the airport to when the man walked me to my counter at departures. I couldn’t be more happy with my trip and the experience with you your partners on the other side. Even to the welcome home mail --- what an amazing personal touch. A huge big thank you for making my 40th birthday the most memorable one yet. Much love Toni

Sent by Neil Wallis

Lize is very knowledgeable and professional. Her service and professionalism has bought herself a client for life. She really goes out of her way to make sure every detail of your trip is covered.

Sent by Carla Verster

If you are looking for a unique travel agency that will cater to your individual needs - this is it! Lize is not only super helpful and professional, She also gets the best deals and prices for you on flights and holidays. Travel Counsellors has an app that you can easily download for free and it contains all your travel documents, there is a holiday countdown plus the option to share your trip on social media. This is super convenient as all your travel details are in the palm of your hand. What I like the most is the friendly and speedy service and the individual care and attention to detail. Little special touches go a long way. Job well done!!

Sent by Shoki Madiseng

Hi Lize, I just want to thank you for making our weekend a special and memorable one. We had so much fun, the kids loved the hotel, the food and mostly playing in the water. It was indeed a birthday weekend away. The weather was lovely so basically it was one of the best holidays ever and offered good value for money. So I just want to thank you for the great service that you provided to us. May you be blessed in all that you do! Please continue with the great job that you do.

Sent by Carla Verster

If you are looking for a unique travel agency that will cater to your individual needs - this is it! She is not only super helpful and professional, she also get the best deals and prices for you on flights and holidays. They have an app that you can easily download for free and have all your travel documents, a holiday countdown and the option to share your trip on social media. This is super convenient as all your travel details are in the palm of your hand. What I like the most is the friendly and speedy service and the individual care and attention to detail. Little special touches goes a long way. Job well done!!

Sent by Estelle Brunner

I gave all my requirements to Lize for an event that is taking place from 3-7 October 2016 in Cape Town, and from the start everything went so smoothly. Lize even made an appointment with me in order to hand deliver my processed documents on Friday 29 April 2016. Lize is really so efficient and effective!!!! I have not met anybody else that could match her service. She is an asset, and a top Travel Agent! Kind regards, Estelle Brummer

Sent by Janie Boshoff

Lize goes the extra mile to tailor-make the perfect package for you. She's been working relentlessly to accommodate my requests and has come up with a package that was just perfect for us. I will definitely use her in the future and recommend her to my friends and colleagues. Thank you Lize for making our travel plans painless. You simply are the BEST!

Sent by Tuduetso Moropa

Everything was perfect starting from the communications before the booking was made, Lize’s answers were prompt and I was given her attention plus everything promised was fulfilled. I was given the leverage of phoning anytime during my holiday in case anything went amiss. I've got no complaints at all.

Sent by Selina Jardim

I have used Lize's services twice now. On both occasions I found Lize to be extremely efficient, professional and personable. She goes out of her way to find us the best travel options and deals. I have already recommended Lize to family and friends and will continue to refer her great services.

Sent by Stephen James Abbott

Firstly I would like to thank Lize for all her help arranging my spectacular trip to South Africa. When I first contacted Travel Counsellors, Lize was able to use her local knowledge and combine this with my list of activities and sites I would like to visit during my time in South Africa. She was able to reduce all of my spending's including cheaper flights and accommodation, significantly saving myself money as if I was to book these myself. Every single step of the way, I was updated by Lize confirming check in times at the airport, to confirmation of collections for my day trips. This was one of the best experiences travelling abroad ever, and I cannot recommend Travel Counsellors enough for making this the best holiday I have ever experienced. I have travelled abroad many times with several different tour companies, but I must stress that the service from start to finish was the best I have ever received. Lize's total professionalism and knowledge was instrumental with myself booking through Travel Counsellor, and I'm so glad that I did. I am already looking at this year’s vacations, and without fail I will be booking through Lize again without fail. I must give Lize a massive thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this trip one of the best experiences ever. One I will remember with the fondest memories till the day I die. Thank you again, and I urge anyone to book through Lize at Travel Counsellors as she goes the extra mile to make your dreams come true, you will not be disappointed! Sincerely, Stephen Abbott (One happy client).

Sent by Fiona Singh

Thank you very much for making our holiday beyond amazing and going out of your way to meet our needs. Excellent service from you from start to finish. Will 100% recommend you!

Sent by Sean Liebenberg

Awesome service, she went the extra mile, is always professional and friendly. I would definitely recommend Lize and would use her services for all our future holidays!