Flying with Finesse: A Guide to Airplane Travel Etiquette

Karin Livingstone on 22 February 2024
I travel regularly and I often hear complaints while on the aircraft that seats are being pushed back or kids are kicking back of the seats and this made me think that there is NO handbook on the ‘etiquette’ of traveling on board a plane. Travel is meant to be exciting, not frustrating yet as soon as you are on the aircraft there is always a grumpy person or two. The crew on board need a medal as they do this day in and day out. Here are a few key things to consider and use this as a ‘travel etiquette handbook’ to keep everyone happy on board (including yourself).

1. Respect the Boarding Process The boarding process sets the stage for your journey, and adhering to its sequence is vital. Pay attention to announcements and boarding group instructions, patiently waiting your turn. Rushing to board out of turn only creates unnecessary chaos and delays, adding stress to fellow passengers and airline staff alike.

2. Mind Your Carry-Ons Overhead bin space is a precious commodity on any flight. Pack your carry-on luggage thoughtfully, ensuring it fits within the airline's size and weight restrictions. Once onboard, stow your bags efficiently, leaving ample space for others. Avoid hogging overhead bins with multiple items or oversized bags, and refrain from shifting belongings mid-flight to prevent disturbances to fellow passengers.

3. Consider Your Seatmates Sharing a confined space with strangers for hours on end requires a certain degree of consideration. Respect the personal space of your seatmates by refraining from encroaching into their area or reclining your seat abruptly. Engage in conversation respectfully, being mindful of differing preferences for interaction. And if sleep is on your agenda, inform your seatmates before reclining your seat and do so gradually to avoid startling them.

4. Practice Good Hygiene Maintaining personal hygiene is paramount, especially in close quarters. Pack essential toiletries in your carry-on, including hand sanitizer, tissues, and breath mints. If you feel under the weather, consider wearing a mask to minimize the spread of germs. Additionally, be mindful of strong scents that may affect those with sensitivities, opting for subtle fragrances or none at all.

5. Keep Noise to a Minimum The cabin of an aircraft can be a cacophony of sounds, from the hum of engines to the chatter of passengers. Minimize noise pollution by using headphones when listening to music or watching movies. Keep conversations at a considerate volume, mindful of those trying to rest or work. And if you need to make a phone call, use the designated quiet areas provided in some aircraft or step into the galley.

6. Follow Crew Instructions Flight attendants are there to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the journey. Respect their authority by adhering to their instructions promptly and courteously. Whether it's fastening your seatbelt, stowing your tray table, or complying with safety protocols during emergencies, listen attentively and cooperate without hesitation.

7. Exercise Patience and Courtesy Traveling inevitably comes with its share of challenges, from delays to unexpected turbulence. Maintain a calm and patient demeanor, refraining from taking out frustrations on fellow passengers or airline staff. Extend kindness and understanding to those around you, fostering a positive atmosphere amidst any adversity.

8. Leave the Cabin Clean As your journey comes to an end, take a moment to tidy up your seating area. Dispose of any trash in the designated bins, returning seatbacks and tray tables to their upright positions. Leaving the cabin clean and orderly not only demonstrates respect for the aircraft and its crew but also sets the stage for a pleasant experience for the next set of passengers.

By observing proper etiquette while flying is not only a matter of common courtesy but also essential for creating a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone onboard. By adhering to these principles of airplane travel etiquette, you can navigate the skies with finesse, making each journey a smooth and harmonious one. Would love to hear your thoughts on these points.

Bon voyage!